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The POSEIDO Academy (Periodontology, Oral Surgery, Esthetic & Implant Dentistry Open Academy) is an international on-line learning platform dedicated to the diffusion of clinical teaching, user-friendly scientific knowledge and global community information.

The POSEIDO Academy is managed directly by the SIREN Professors, an international network of renowned clinicians and researchers members of the POSEIDO SIREN (Scientific International Research & Education Network). As convenors of this Academy, their duty is to diffuse their clinical and scientific knowledge and experience, to organize the themes of discussions, and to promote exchanges and debates through our Community, in the respect of the POSEIDO Academy Charter of Ethics. The Charter mostly implies for all SIREN Professors to remain independent from commercial considerations and advertisement in their teachings and comments, even if they can present freely their works with the implants or materials they are using in their daily practice.

As active members of the SIREN, the SIREN Professors have also the obligation to participate in other aspects of the POSEIDO Consortium, particularly to participate in international research projects and in the clinical roundtables published regularly in the POSEIDO Journal, as a part of the educational efforts promoted by the POSEIDO Academy.

The POSEIDO Academy is organized through a dedicated website and Facebook common page. This education platform supported by the POSEIDO Consortium is under development and will be opened soon.

© POSEIDO Foundation 2006-2016. All rights reserved.