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The POSEIDO Scientific International Research & Education Network (SIREN) is a community of basic researchers and clinicians from 21 different countries collaborating within a series of research and education programs supported by the POSEIDO.

The POSEIDO SIREN functions as a galaxy of independent study groups synchronized globally by the Board of Directors and the Programs Coordinators.

The POSEIDO SIREN is particularly designed for the development of transversal translational research projects. The translational research seeks to translate the findings from basic science to practical medical applications that improve current clinical treatments or offer new therapeutic options. The transversal research seeks to integrate the knowledge and research of several disciplines in order to offer new technological or therapeutic solutions: this approach is particularly adapted to the POSEID interconnected disciplines.

The POSEIDO SIREN also promotes the development of new partner study groups through the concept of informal internship ("compagnonnage"), where qualified new investigators (showing already excellent research background and/or clinical skills) are included in pre-existing study groups the time to gather a significant experience in an education or research topic (particularly in terms of practical management and methodology). They can then develop their own project and become the Program Coordinator of a new study group, in partnership with the other cells of the network.

This modern networking method is based on the traditional method of "compagnonnage" (network of transmission of knowledge and identities by the working experience), a form of traditional professional brotherhood considered as a masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO.

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